30+ Free Online Tools To Help Grow Your Business

Online tools

The Internet gives you access to several free online tools that can help with all aspects of your operations. We have researched the best and most useful free online tools and organized them into this list. If you can find online tools that save time and money, you free up more resources to invest in your business. 


Microsoft OneNote 

Microsoft OneNote is a note-taking app and can be used as a daily planner. It is a great note-taking tool for projects and meetings.  


Pinterest is an effective way for entrepreneurs and small businesses to brainstorm ideas. Its dashboard allows you to organize your ideas onto categorized boards. The visualization of Pinterest makes it one of the best online tools for anyone in a creative industry such as fashion or interior design.  


This website allows you to convert a PDF file to a PNG file. It is a useful tool for when someone sends you the wrong file format. They also offer a PNG to PDF converter.

Collaboration/Project Management 


Slack is one of the most well-known online tools used for collaboration. It is mostly an instant messaging app but with additional features. These features include conversation categorizing, private messaging, and direct messaging. It lets you share files, search archives and it has integrations with many other popular apps. 

Join Me 

Join Me allows you to host and join online meetings. It offers screen sharing and it can integrate with Slack. 


Zoom is another video conferencing tool. It allows you to join and host meetings, host webinars, and online conferences.  

Human Resources

Facebook Job Posting 

In February, Facebook launched their job posting feature. Facebook pages can now place job postings on the platform. If you are looking for top talent but don’t want to pay for a job posting, consider using Facebook. 

Zoho People 

Zoho People is an HR tool that can store employee data, track time, create employee performance reviews and more. 



Due is a payment processing website that allows you to send customer invoices and accept payments. 

Microsoft Excel Free Online Templates 

If you have Microsoft Excel on your computer, take advantage of the free online templates that are available. To find the templates, create a new document. Instead of opening a blank document, use the search bar to find a template.  

Customer Service  


SurveyMonkey allows you to create and send free surveys. It is a great way to get customer feedback and market research.  


FourSquare is an app that lets people find nearby shops, restaurants and entertainment. You can use it to monitor customer reviews. It also lets you offer coupons and incentives when people find your business through the app. 



Canva is a design software website. It allows you to design social media posts, brochures, posters, business cards etc. It offers a variety free illustrations, pictures and shapes to use in your design. 


A user-friendly email marketing website. MailChimp allows you to design, optimize and analyze email marketing campaigns. 


Grammarly is a browser extension that checks more than 250 grammar rules. Use it to ensure your letters, emails, and marketing materials are free of grammatical errors. 

Make My Persona 

This tool allows you to create a persona for potential customers. It is a great way to visualize your target market. 

Think with Google 

This is a great tool to use if you are conducting market research. It shows consumer insights, marketing resources and advertising channels. 

Sales Teams


CouponBox allows you to analyze how a coupon will affect your profit, revenue and margins. It streamlines the process of creating a coupon that will meet ROI goals. 


HelloSign allows you to electronically sign documents.  


Meetup allows you to host or find free events to meet with people who have the same interests. Consider hosting a meetup that relates to what you are selling as a way to prospect new leads. 

Social Media


A link shortening service. Shorten lengthy URL’s to eliminate distractions and to streamline your social messages. 


Slideshare is a slide hosting service. The slide decks can be shared and embedded on other websites. Turn a blog post into a slide deck to create a more visual experience that will generate more shares. 


Medium is a dedicated blogging platform. You can write blogs within the website and subscribe to other people’s blogs. 


Feedly allows you to discover content that is important to you and your industry. It is a great way to find curated content. 

Coschedule’s Social Message Optimizer 

The social message optimizer analyzes your message and scores it based on certain criteria. It suggests how you can improve your score and better optimize your message. 

National Day Calendar  

This website shows a list of all of the national holidays. It even allows you to subscribe to get daily updates so you don’t have to check the website every day. 



LastPass works as a browser extension. You log in with your LastPass account info once a day and it remembers your passwords for all of the accounts you add to it. 

Where Goes? 

Shows where a URL will redirect you to. 


This website allows you to see the original URL of a shortened link. It also provides a site description and determines if a website contains malicious software. 

Two Factor Auth 

Allows you to check which services and websites offer two-factor authentication. 


A mobile app that will encrypt your communication such as phone calls and messages. 

World’s Biggest Data Breaches 

A visual tool that shows the year and method behind the biggest data breaches. It is a great tool to inform yourself about data breaches. 

There are so many free tools online that are useful and can help you become more efficient. However, some aspects of your business require investments in quality services and products to ensure your business is operating at its best. When it comes to the IT that runs your business, you need to invest in systems and services that are suitable for your company.  

Keystone Technologies offers consultations and recommendations to ensure you have access to the appropriate IT systems at a price that your business can afford.